[TYPO3-doc] NEW: Now there's a VERSIONSWITCHER button

Martin Bless m.bless at gmx.de
Fri May 3 10:19:21 CEST 2013

Hello François,

>BTW currently the branches are not named the same across all manuals. Is 
>that a problem for you

No, I don't think so. We need to stick to a folder structure for
each manual that we can handle by rewriting (mod_rewrite) on the
server anyway. 

And in my script I'm making the same assumptions which look like
this at the moment:

function isValidVersionFolderName($filename) {
    $isValid = false;
    if (!$isValid) { // named versions
        if (in_array( $filename, array('latest'))) {
            $isValid = true;
    if (!$isValid) { // numbered versions (like 1.2.3...)
        $pattern = '~\d+(\.\d+)*~is';
        $subpattern = array();
        $result = preg_match($pattern, $filename, $subpattern);
        if ($result and ($subpattern[0] === $filename)) {
            $isValid = true;
    return $isValid;

As you can see we can extend this and build in more
"intelligence". We'll extend this somehow for example once we
start with languages like .../4.7/ru/... 

FYI: I'll push the latest changes to
in the next days.

>That latest progress has really made my day :-)

Same with me :-) 


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member


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