[TYPO3-doc] Current state

Elmar t3elmar at googlemail.com
Thu Mar 14 11:16:03 CET 2013


to get on track a would like to summarize the current state of the documentation project.

1.) Sphinx is announced to become the official documentation format for all T3 subprojects. 

2.) The infrastructure for rendering and migration is currently in development, but not stable enough to get connected to http://typo3.org/extensions.

3.) Documentation about the usage of sphinx is mainly found in the wiki, but lacks clear structure and actuality.

Are this observations right? 

a) I would than start with updating the wiki, to faciliate peoples orientation.
b) I would try to autogenerate a sphinx documentation (about sphinx documentation in T3) from the wiki content.
c) I would meet with Martin Bless in Münster, to get a deeper insight into the current infrastructure.



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