[TYPO3-doc] Encouraging people to contribute with Github

François Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Mon Feb 25 10:52:54 CET 2013

Hi all,

Please let's try to keep this discussion on track. This thread is *not* 
about moving all our repos to Github. There are some who would support 
this, but this not discussed here.

What is being discussed is using Github repos for the documentation, 
because the ability to easily do a fork, edit online and automatically 
generate a pull request upon saving would greatly simplify contributing 
to the TYPO3 documentation IMO.

Obviously having some kind of online ReST editor somehow connected to 
our documentation would be even better, but given the small manpower 
available to the Doc Team I don't see this happening any time in the 
future. If one of you is enthusiastic about implementing that, please 
make yourself known.

*Note:* this is not meant to say that you should shut up but,

1) (again) please keep the thread on track
2) if reasonable worries are raised, we will obviously listen to them 
and not pursue at all costs a solution that displeases too many people 
(for whatever reasons).



Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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