[TYPO3-doc] Better now: Start your ReST documentation project within five (!) minutes

Martin Bless m.bless at gmx.de
Sat Apr 13 21:40:04 CEST 2013

Hi Elmar,

>Some thoughts/questions:
>1.) _make: 

locally: We provide this just as a service for those who do
rendering online.

To adjust the rendering on the server you can specify settings in
the Settings.yml file in the ./Documentation folder to overwrite
settings of the conf.py. You cannot access the conf.py itself on
the server.

>2.) The email step:
>A dependency on a single person is always a weak point an a workflow. What are your visions here?

Be assured: Our visions are bright and healthy :-) At the moment
we're learning and in a documentation bootstrap process. I'm
hoping we get more speed into everything the more we're
approaching the T3DD13.

>3.) github:
>Github is powerfull and quickly emerging but a commercial platform.  Do they offer their tool,
> so that out admins rung a github.typo3.org?

I don't know. I think it's good to have the official docs at
git.typo3.org with the review process. But with Github it's much
easier for people to start. And Github offers this nice hooks and
other feature. And if Github closes tomorrow we would still have
our data. Github adds possibilities, it doesn't limit us. That's
the way I see it.

>4.) sphinx:
>Sphinx reqieres python. Would it be possible to deploy a full and configured sphinx environment
>in one folder for a given plattform, i.e. starting with Mac OS? 
>Or maybe even as a virtual box. I always have an up-to-date CentOS vagrant box prepared,
>that I could offer. Would need a strong server for downloading it.

Would it be possible? Yes. There's even a chef recipe on the way
to setup a whole docs server. If it comes to deciding about my
time: I think it would be most effective to collect everything
about ReST from the Wiki and fill it into the "TYPO3 Documentation
Contribution Guide".

I'm collecting things at
whenever I have time for it.

D.T.J.S. - Don't Think - Just Start


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member


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