[TYPO3-doc] Re: Better now: Start your ReST documentation project within five (!) minutes

Elmar Hinz t3elmar at googlemail.com
Sat Apr 13 21:05:09 CEST 2013

Hello Martin,

I like this. Consequent use of the power of github and it is getting easy to understand.

Some thoughts/questions:

1.) _make: 

Is this only for local use, or do I control the rendering process on the server by adjusting?

2.) The email step:

A dependency on a single person is always a weak point an a workflow. What are your visions here?

3.) github:

Github is powerfull and quickly emerging but a commercial platform.  Do they offer their tool,
 so that out admins rung a github.typo3.org?

4.) sphinx:

Sphinx reqieres python. Would it be possible to deploy a full and configured sphinx environment
in one folder for a given plattform, i.e. starting with Mac OS? 

Or maybe even as a virtual box. I always have an up-to-date CentOS vagrant box prepared,
that I could offer. Would need a strong server for downloading it.



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