[TYPO3-doc] DocBook: XML IDs // Linking between documents

Daniel Bruessler danielb at typo3.org
Fri Apr 29 08:50:46 CEST 2011

Hello Thomas and Sebastian,

>> (...) When we want to
>> use xref to link between these, I understand that we always have to load
>> the *full set* of manuals to the XSLT processor, and then using "rootid"
>> to determine what part should be actually rendered. To me, this just
>> does not sound feasible for this amount of documentation :-)
> Actually we do this exactly as you've described with our openSUSE manuals. We 
> have a set which contain XIncludes to all the other books. Inside the books 
> you have also XIncludes to other chapters etc. 
> Of course, that's perfect if your book is part of the whole set. This works 
> for _us_ pretty good as we deliver usually some sort of a User Guide, an 
> Administration Guide, and Quick Starts. There it makes sense to cross 
> reference from, lets say, the Quick Start to the Admin Guide. We've discussed 
> olinks, but never implemented them. We use <xref/>s which works pretty well, 
> although you have to be careful.
> For your amount of documentation, this is not possible.

xref links are indeed easy to use
<xref linkend="typo3v4.core.typoscript.function.stdWrap" />

and also link is easy to use
<link linkend="flow3.installingphp53">installation instructions for PHP 5.3</link>

but olink doesn't look so simple IMHO (taken from http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/Olinking.html)
<olink targetdoc="MailAdminGuide" targetptr="user_accounts">user accounts</olink>

In TYPO3 core manuals and extension manuals it's important to point to TSref (TypoScript reference) and to other core manuals. So it's good when just the current manual has to be loaded into the xml
processor and all others can be seen as "already valid" and when it's just a small effort for the xml processor to get a label for a link to an external manual.

I find the information very huge what is in the man-pages for all linux commands. As far I know these are DocBook manuals. Do all linux commands (what are in man) have xml:ids what can be used to link to?

How is it done e.g. in the openSUSE Admin Guide to point to e.g the chmod command? Is the whole list of DocBook manuals also loaded via XIncludes into the xml processor when e.g. the Admin Guide has
to be rendered?


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