[Typo3-doc] The team

Charlie Dale charlie at aphid.net
Thu Nov 10 14:42:49 CET 2005

OK guys, we need to get this team and team leader thing sorted out.

>From previous lurking, it seemed that Alex volunteered for this? Personally
I'd be happy for him to do it - sounds like he's doing great stuff with his
US based team.

While we're doing that can people tell me who is actually on board at the
moment? I know that was sort of the purpose of the "Wiki people: who's on
board now" thread, but that thread ended up generating interesting
discussion rather than concrete "I'm in and keen to do X" responses.

So... I'm in, and willing to do sporadic work, particularly in the area of
cleaning up the readability of current docs, fixing links, writing glue text
where required, etc. I'm the sort of person who works hard for a certain
period but then drops off for a bit, maybe gets interest at a later point,
etc. I would benefit from the documentation equivalent of bug days and/or
Zap the Gremlins.


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