[Typo3-documentation] Wiki: Links to documentation on Typo3.org

Peter Kindström peter.kindstrom at abc.se
Thu Jul 22 22:10:19 CEST 2004

>>-- Suggestion
>>So I suggest you, Ingmar and Patrick get together and ask Kasper
>>to get access to the typo3.org documentation pages. And then you
>>create "the complete guide" to Typo3 documentation there -
>>without having to care about documentation writers!  :-)
> AFAIK Kasper can't do that because typo3.org was not planned for lots of
> editors...

Does that mean you think we should change our goal with the 
wiki? From being a site for creating documentation to being a 
place which guides people to information / documentation about 

As you know by now, I am not interested in making a wiki that is 
a substitute for typo3.org documentation pages or has total 

So what do you guys say? Keep it or change it?


/Peter Kindström, DocTEAM

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