[Typo3-documentation] Wiki: Links to documentation on Typo3.org

Peter Kindström peter.kindstrom at abc.se
Thu Jul 22 18:58:42 CEST 2004

> Take it easy. Right now the Wiki lacks of a good framework and usability 
> - the rest should come with promoting and by time. Sometimes it might 
> make sense to just copy something from the manual, sometimes thats not 
> needed or a mix of those things is the best. Again: I feel like there 
> ist focus on too much things without thinking about just the usability.

You keep writing "lacks of a good framework", but if you mean 
the structure you really should write "lacks of a framework that 
suites me". Because IMHO we have a well structured wiki which 
give as a clear overview of what documentation there is and what 
we need. ;-)

> What is a "solved" problem? Personally i would like to see lots of 
> typoscript snippets and well footnotes on how to do things best - right 
> now typo3 is missing a red line across its documentation, noone know 
> whats better, what shuld be used, what is deprecated and so on. This 
> could be the task of the wiki - guiding people into a more usable typo3 
> instead of being a complete reference.

(Hmmm, this lack of red line I believe depends much on lack of 
structure, planning and supervision.)

I strongly believe that for now the typo3.org should be the 
guide to ALL Typo3 documentation. Not the wiki!

Why? Because it gives you more control (and pobably is easier) 
to gather all those links to SXW documents, links to other web 
sites, links to wiki pages, links to mailing lists and links to 
And it still is the most natural place for users to seek 
information about Typo3.

All these places should be tied together if we want to give 
people a "total" guide to Typo3 documentation. And right now I 
dont think our wiki pages is the best place for this - because 
we also need it for creating documents.
If we can´t have both, I think wiki is better suited for 
creating documents, and typo3.org better for more static links 
and documents.

-- Suggestion
So I suggest you, Ingmar and Patrick get together and ask Kasper 
to get access to the typo3.org documentation pages. And then you 
create "the complete guide" to Typo3 documentation there - 
without having to care about documentation writers!  :-)

Then we have one place with writers as the target group and one 
with readers as target group. Maybe easier then trying to mix 
them in one place!


/Peter Kindström, DocTEAM

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