[Typo3-doc] question about the glossary

Mark Ravitz mark_r at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 6 08:10:31 CET 2004

I've been exploring the capabilities of
MediaWiki, and at first glance it doesn't seem
to fit the bill for what we're trying to do.
There's no way to force a contributor to use
a particular format. There's a system of categories
but it's easy to make a mistake creating them.  The
more you use the special tools like templates etc.
the more the contributor has to be trained in the
wiki tags.

So I started playing with the Glossary plugin.
It's nicely documented.  I presume the one you
are using Peter is sg_glossary.  A well written
extension is usually easy to modify, I expect it
would be easy to add new fields in the form (say
categories, maybe an examples section).  It has front
end editing built in.  It has different levels of
protection built in by using groups.

Maybe we should just skip the wiki, modify sg_glossary
as necessary, get it installed on typo3.org, and let
people edit entries directly into sg_glossary.  At this
point the big thing that seems to be missing is a history
of changes.

I'm going to keep exploring it.  I'd like to start
a list of requirements for the glossary application
on the

http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/EXT/glossary   page.

Also, maybe a statement of scope.

Mark Ravitz

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