[TYPO3-community] About CRUD

Frank Thelemann info at datenpioniere.de
Fri Aug 31 00:33:11 CEST 2007

hi michael,

so i will give you an overview about crud:
-based on access control lists and the c.r.u.d. programming concept:
-acl-options for any fields from a TCA for create,retrieve,update,delete
-acl-options for access to actions from a controller
-acl-roles based on these options
-acl-groups basded on acl-roles
-to the acl-groups you can assign fe-groups
-if you need no login, you can define a anonymous group
-you can define global(pagewide) rights, and lokal
-based on MVC and PHP5
-crud provides only models and views
-the views extending the phpTemplateEngine with fe-editing features
-the models rendering the TCA and rightsmanagement
-no more need of hooks, because every important functions has an pre,-
and postfunction, and furthermore php5 oop
-all like the rendering of rights,forms, listings etc is done by crud
-the programmer needs only implement his special logic
-the developer can define over TS own css,templates,locallangs,views and
-its possible to define for any fields special error messages for all
possible errros and much more
-including logging,edit-locks and edit-histories

at the moment you can use crud with all TCA fields wich you can create
with the extension kickstarter, exluding the tca type group, but comes
soon. crud__browser is a addon for crud wich provides a model and view
for listings and singleviews, with all features from crud. furthermore
exist crud__marker wich is outputfilter addon for crud. you can use for
example in your news listing template,for example
{{{UPDATE__TT_NEWS__###NEWS_PID###}}}. if the the fe user has the rights
comes an edit icon und the news, if not for example a message or
nothing. if the user has clicked on the edit icon crud renders and
validate the form, based on the acls and the tca. you can use these
markers in templates,TS or templavoila. crud__marker is fe-editing for
dummies;-), and extensions wich based on the pi_base.

so that is all not an community but the base for cbs(community base
system) wich implements models and views for ratings, votings, comments,
foren, blogs what ever, because all is TCA based! with all that its very
easy to build community features likes registrations, blogs
userlistings, profiles and and and....

to your questions:
-yes we will start a wiki for crud with examples and using
-in the next 2 weeks crud will be public on TER, so please wait so long
-and yes we need coding help, for implementing axaj,IRRE,flexforms,
completing TCA, and a backendmodul for the rightsmanagement (next steps)

at the moment we cannot spend extra time for svn or docs, but questions
are welcome...

with digital greeetings,
frank thelemann.

 Datenpioniere - Social Networks und mehr
 Frank Thelemann (Entwicklung,Support)

 Bernburgerstrasse 17
 Halle/Saale 06108 DE
 email: thelemann at datenpionier.de
 mobil: +49-176-27 11 99 66

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