[TYPO3-community] Community Project - some questions

Falk Hermann falk.hermann at w2on.de
Mon Aug 27 11:02:01 CEST 2007


I'm Falk.

This topic is in my interest too.
It's realy not easy to build a community with Typo3. Shure, there are 
some extensions which are quite useful for communities, but this little 
community-pieces don't realy fit together.

Here are some Tips:

> One of the first points i miss, is a common extension for showing
> user-profiles, which is called from any other extension.

Combine cwt_community and mm_forum:

With some knowledge in PHP it's quiet easy to extend the Userprofile of 
cwt_comunity (Don't forget to add values in TCA if you extend the 
fe_users table maualy!) Then you have to find all Links to Profile in 
mm_forum (shoult be enough to search insied class.tx_mmforum_pi1.php ) 
and change them to the Site-ID (AND needed parameters) of your 
cwt_community - ProfileSite. Should work with 
tslib_pibase.pi_getPageLink(...) (see: API-documentation.)

> The second problem is, that tt_news has no possibility for selecting
> just news from a specific user. Integrating a blog would be really easy,
> if i could tell, that tt_news is showing just news, which user xyz has
> posted. So every user could write a blog in their own profile.

I think tt_news is realy not an Extension for your wishes. But when i 
rember right it should be possible with some Code-Changes to link the 
categorie-option to specified user-ids.

> Just one example, of what i would need (my personal nice to have list):
> User-Registration and User-Profile. In the backend i would love to have
> the possibility to add fields, configure these fields with following
> options: [...]

In Typo3 it's not so easy to solve such a Problem, because you have to 
(of for instance should) define all tables and columns in the TCA. This 
is done by the ext_tables.php and tca.php of each extension. If you want 
to add fields per "Klick in BE" you have to write a script which adds 
this TCA-definition IN this file. I think this is not very easy.

>  because of
> the problem, that some extensions have their own fields and are unable
> to work with fields from other extensions,

For people with PHP-Knowledge it is in most cases realy not difficult to 
extend an extension to work with more than its own fields.

> Integration of this profile in other extensions and possibilities for
> the user to change the layout of their own profile would be the next step.

I thin there is no ext for such needs. So you have to write it by yourself.

> I think, this is one of the most important part of getting different
> extensions for community features working together.

Yessss!!! I'm going to write some community-extensions (which work 
together and also alone) and try to let them be as dynamic as possible. 
But this could take a long time, because i don't have much time for this 
project. I planned this 2 months ago and want to start coding in the 
middle of September. (Currently I'm waiting for my Server. (especially 
for the money for it))

> I would like to have a community with the best functionality from
> postnuke, myspace and livejournal *dreaming*.

Me too ... ;-)

> Why i'm writing here. I'm searching for other people, who are interested
> to check, which kind of extensions could be used for great community
> features, which should be rewritten, extended or which just need to be
> developed. 

Here I am. (only the first and not the last, i hope!)
It should be useful to have someone with Knowledge about the development 
of Typo3 5. Is there anyone?

> At the end it would be nice to have some manuals for new users to tell,
> how they could build a community with typo3. Something, which is much
> more better than postnuke and co. And maybe we could offer some prebuild
> typo3 community package.

Let's make a T3-Community-Community ... ?-)

> Greetings from Berlin
> Alex

Greetings from Leipzig

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