[TYPO3-commerce] basketHashValue

Morten Haggren mo at idefa.dk
Mon Nov 8 08:22:42 CET 2010

Hi Rik,

The reason why you'd need the basket state to render pi1 is to show the 
ammount of the view'ed article the customer currently have in the basket.

That way if he chooses to change the 2 to a 1 and add to basket it makes 
sense that there are only 1 in the basket, where as if it didn't show 
any number and he wrote 1 ( knowing there was already 2 in the basket ) 
it would seem just tad odd that there suddenly was only 1 in the basket.


On 2010-11-02 16:26, Rik Willems wrote:
> Ah, thanks Ingo.
> That clears things up. Didn't even know that was posssible. Can you
> explain a little about the use case for that? Curious what I could use
> it for.
> So I guess I can pull out basketHashValue out of the url. Great.
> Later I'll post an insight I have for RealUrl so we can all enjoy
> beautiful URLs.
> Cheers!
> Op 2-11-2010 15:51, Ingo Schmitt schreef:
>> Hi Rik,
>> in PI1 you could have the amount you have in your basket in the
>> article-line.
>> Ingo
>>> Hi Ingo,
>>> Ok, I thought I had it but now I lost it again :-(. In what way does
>>> basketHashValue work with pi1? As the basket is rendered in pi2...
>>> Thanks for your time.
>>> Op 2-11-2010 15:34, Ingo Schmitt schreef:
>>>> Hi Rick,
>>>>> Hi Ingo,
>>>>> Thanks for your extra explanation. I'm afraid I don't understand it
>>>>> entirely.
>>>>> Is the basketHashValue for pi1 or for pi2? I think pi2, is that
>>>>> correct?
>>>> its for pi1.
>>>>> You create a hash for basket content. So, if you have exactly the
>>>>> same basket content has another user it doesn't have to be
>>>>> genereated. Correct?
>>>> Yes.
>>>>> Making pi2 a user_int allows me to remove basketHashValue. Georg
>>>>> mentions stock and prices for groups. Is this safe without
>>>>> basketHashValue?
>>>> pi2 is user_int.
>>>> Ingo
>>>>> Thanks, again, Rik
>>>>> Op 2-11-2010 12:53, Ingo Schmitt schreef:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> basketHashValue calculates a hash an basis of your items in the
>>>>>> basked. If you have a webpage where on the produktpage the amount
>>>>>> of an article is rendered in the input-field, the content on the
>>>>>> produktpage must be "perUser" or
>>>>>> "perUserHavingTheSameAmountInTheBasket". So the idea was to have a
>>>>>> cache identified as the basketcontet to have the possibility of
>>>>>> caching the whole page.
>>>>>> So, if you have a shop, where the amount the user has in the
>>>>>> basket is not rendered in the Produktcpage you ca switch of the
>>>>>> baskethasvalue. If you set the plugin to user_int you can do the
>>>>>> same.
>>>>>> ingo
>>>>>>> Alright, thanks for your response. This is an interesting read.
>>>>>>> Now I'm still not sure how the basketHashValue works, but the
>>>>>>> conclusion is clear.
>>>>>>> Thanks all!
>>>>>>> Op 2-11-2010 11:30, Georg Schönweger schreef:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> http://lists.typo3.org/pipermail/typo3-project-commerce/2009-September/003013.html
>>>>>>>> .. i think basketHashValue is only usefull if you are using several
>>>>>>>> usergroups with different prices and/or stock handling. We
>>>>>>>> deactivated
>>>>>>>> it without any problems and have now nice Urls and faster page
>>>>>>>> load.
>>>>>>>> greetings, Georg
>>>>>>>> Am 02.11.2010 10:30, schrieb Rik Willems:
>>>>>>>>> Ok, very clear. Thank you.
>>>>>>>>> But then, what is the use of basketHashValue?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for thinking along.
>>>>>>>>> Op 2-11-2010 10:30, Ingo Schmitt schreef:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Rik,
>>>>>>>>>> yes. Since no FE user can be tracked by TYPO3.
>>>>>>>>>> Ingo
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Morten,
>>>>>>>>>>> Sounds interesting. But, when I turn of cookies the basket
>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't
>>>>>>>>>>> work at all, even with the basketHashValue. Is that normal?
>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>>> Op 2-11-2010 10:04, Morten Haggren schreef:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Rik,
>>>>>>>>>>>> try disabling cookies and see if the basket still loads with
>>>>>>>>>>>> out it ;)
>>>>>>>>>>>> /Morten Haggren
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2010-11-02 09:56, Rik Willems wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> When you add a product to the basket each url in commerce gets
>>>>>>>>>>>>> appended
>>>>>>>>>>>>> with a basketHashValue. Is this value actually necessary?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> To me it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that removing the value loads each page correctly. I don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>> really
>>>>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it because it produces ugly URLs. Any insights on this are
>>>>>>>>>>>>> very much
>>>>>>>>>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers! Rik
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>>>>>>>>>> Mit freundlichen Gruessen
>>>>>>>>>> Ingo Schmitt
>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
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>>>>>> Mit freundlichen Gruessen
>>>>>> Ingo Schmitt
>>>>> _______________________________________________
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>>>>> TYPO3-project-commerce at lists.typo3.org
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>>>> Mit freundlichen Gruessen
>>>> Ingo Schmitt
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> TYPO3-project-commerce mailing list
>>> TYPO3-project-commerce at lists.typo3.org
>>> http://lists.typo3.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/typo3-project-commerce
>> Mit freundlichen Gruessen
>> Ingo Schmitt

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