[TYPO3-commerce] Problems with delivery cost calculation

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Mon Sep 3 23:26:54 CEST 2007

Hi Tobias,

> I got a couple of problems when trying to write an extension which 
> calculates the delivery costs based on carrier, total weight, country 
> and zip code. I tried to use the hook in 
> class.tx_commerce_articlehooks.php but it seems that I can alter the 
> price of the delivery but the value is not transferred to the next page 
> although the variable is referenced.
> Is there a better hook or a better way for calculating the delivery costs?
> Is there a variable with the total weight?
> I can get the values of the attibutes from the flexform, but I don't 
> know which key the actual weight is.

Can you tell us which hooks exactly and what you do exactly?

I just have implemented a feature, that allows to switch the 
delivery-prices of a delivery article based on the total stock of the 
basket and I noticed that I had to also tell the basket to update itself 
and to recalculate the prices internally.

But I used a hook in class.tx_commerce_pi2. Every other thing I tried 
did not work so far.

Kind regards,
Franz Koch

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