[TYPO3-commerce] Commerce Constants Questions

Jon Shapcott eden at xibalba.demon.co.uk
Mon Dec 10 15:24:34 CET 2007

Hi, I've been trying to set up the tx_commerce extension. It's gone
fairly smoothly so far, but I've come up against some differences
between the documenation on the wiki and the documentation in the
extensions part of the Typo3 web site. I'm aware that this is beta
software, so some differences and changes are to be epected as it's

My questions are:

   1. What is the the "overridePid" for? It is mentioned in both of
   the documentation pages, but not what it does, or what it expects
   to point to.
   2. The wiki mentions the "userGroup" constant, but it is not
   mentioned in the the extension documentation. Has it dissappeared?
   If not, what is it for? My best guess would be picking the Clients
   group from the User sysfolder.
I'd really appreciate some pointers on these.      

Jon Shapcott <eden at xibalba.demon.co.uk>
"This is the Space Age, and we are Here To Go" - William S. Burroughs

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