[TYPO3-commerce] Special offers/rebate or other kind of reductions

Simon Lang blubbfish at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 10:47:02 CEST 2007

Thanks alot for the help.

I added an additional field "crossedprice" to the table 
tx_commerce_article_prices and a field to the Dynaflex form in the 
"Prices" tab in the articles record.
The crossed price is displayed in an additional marker in the frontend.

It works now, but has one small bug. I post my solution below for the 

My problem:
When I edit an article, the crossed price is displayed in the Dynaflex 
form (everything good so far). After I save the article, the field 
magically vanishes. When I reenter the Dynaflex prices form, its there 
again (and the value is correctly written to the database).
Does somebody has an idea how to fix this?


== ext_tables.php (of any extension) ==

//Adding the crossed price to the price dynaflex.
$tempConf = array(
     'TCEforms' => array(
         'label' => 
         'config' => array(
             'type' => 'input',
             'size' => 15,
$insertAfter = 'price_net';
$fieldName = 'tx_commerceextender_crossedprice_';

$dynaFlexConf = 

$insertIds = array();
//Add for each price a crossed price field.
foreach ($dynaFlexConf['ROOT']['el'] as $key => $value) {
     $tempDynaFlexConf[$key] = $value;

     if (strpos($key, '_') !== false)    {
         $keyData = @explode('_', $key);
         if (is_array($keyData))    {
             $priceId = intval($keyData[(count($keyData) -1)]);

             //Strip the id away from the key so it can be compared with 
the $insertAfter
             unset($keyData[(count($keyData) -1)]);
             $key = implode('_', $keyData);

     if ($key == $insertAfter) {
         $tempDynaFlexConf[$fieldName.$priceId] = $tempConf;

$dynaFlexConf['ROOT']['el'] = $tempDynaFlexConf;
= t3lib_div::array2xml($dynaFlexConf);

//Adding the crossed price database field to the 
tx_commerce_article_prices database.
$tempColumns = Array (
     "tx_commerceextender_crossedprice" => Array (
         "exclude" => 1,
         "label" => 
         "config" => Array (
             "type" => "input",
             "size" => "30",


== ext_localconf.php (of same extension :o)) ==
//Hook for adding the crossed price field to the article price object.

//Hook for adding the crossed price to the article view.

== class.tx_commerceextender_articleview.php (or something like that) ==
  * Hook for the commerce article view.
  * @author    Simon Lang <slang at snowflake.ch>
  * @package TYPO3
  * @subpackage tx_commerce
class tx_commerceextender_articleview {

      * This hookmethod will be called after the initalisation of the 
article price object and adds the crossed price field to the fieldlist.
      * This will add the field to the db query and is then available in 
the article price object.
      * @param tx_commerce_article_price     $pObj: The article price 
     function postinit($pObj) {
         $pObj->fieldlist[] = 'tx_commerceextender_crossedprice';

      * Adds the crossed price field to the marker array.
      * @param     String[]                $markerArray: The marker array.
      * @param     tx_commerce_pi1         $pObj: The parent object.
      * @param     tx_commcerc_article        $article: The article object.
      * @return    String[]                The modified marker array
     function additionalMarker($markerArray, $pObj, $article) {
         $price = $article->price->tx_commerceextender_crossedprice;

         //"12333.32" has to look like "1233332" and "12333" has to look 
like 1233300". Else its not correctly formated by the tx_moneylib.
         //Normaly thats done in the class.tx_commerce_dmhooks.php. But 
there is no hook or another way to hook in. So do manualy.
         //Check if there is a comma or a point in the price.
         if (stristr($price, ',') || stristr($price, '.')) {
             //Strip commas or points away.
             $price = str_replace(array(',','.'), '', $price);
         } else {
             //Add two additional zeros.
             $price.= '00';

         //Format the price and put it into the marker array.
         $markerArray['ARTICLE_PRICE_CROSSED'] = 
         return $markerArray;

Ingo Schmitt schrieb:
 > Hi Simon,
 >> Hi Guys!
 >> Does commerce support "special offers" / "rebates"?
 >> I need to display two prices in the frontend, where one price is
 >> crossed out. I have seen a working example of this on
 >> http://www.hpnielsen.dk. The later is actually using commerce, so it
 >> should be possible. I would like to know wether that is a feature or
 >> if one has to use hooks in order to achieve this.
 > I think the guys from typoconsult have added a own database field
 > (crossed price) by an own extension to have this crossed price. Have a
 > look at the hooks in tx_commerce_element_alib, which is the basic calss
 > for the commerce objects.
 > ingo
 >> Regards
 > Mit freundlichen Gruessen

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