[TYPO3-4-3] Dialect support in TYPO3

Ingo Renner ingo at typo3.org
Tue Feb 16 18:12:17 CET 2010

Patrick Gaumond wrote:

Bonjour Patrick,

> Currently TYPO3 supports so called 2 letters language codes: en, de ,fr.
> That's not enough to reflect cultural clashes like the old
> "color-colour" seen in US versus UK or "email-courriel" in France versus
> Québec(french canadian).
> So which parts of TYPO3 got involved with this problem? A lot:

thanks for taking the time to do a such detailed analysis!
If you are still willing to work on that, that'd be wonderful!

> The biggest speedbump is TER since translations for T3 sites are
> ultimately took from there (not from the translation server) and nobody
> on Earth enjoy perusing TER code.

once the relaunch of t3o is done (which I'm very optimistic about it 
happening this year) we should continue with the translation server project.


Ingo Renner
TYPO3 Core Developer, Release Manager TYPO3 4.2

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