[TYPO3-project-4-3] Serious TS problem in Trunk

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Wed Sep 9 20:27:36 CEST 2009

Hi Ernesto,

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] schrieb:
> TypoScript references mean nothing to the TS-parser. So you won't get
> any merging happening at that moment. TS-parser will give you the string
> "< tt_content.swfobject.20" in your $conf array.

what i meant is an error in tslib_content in CType Media where this is done:
$conf[$conf['type'] . '.'] = 
array_merge($conf['mimeConf.']['swfobject.'][$conf['type'] . '.'], 
This fails when setting the reference.

> The "magic" happens when tslib has to render a cObject: this will
> interpret the leading "<" as a reference, fetch the configuration from
> that object and then array-merge potential changes done to the
> reference. And then render that cObject with the resulting $conf array.
> Since tt_content.swfobject.20 seems to be a cObject ("SWFOBJECT"), I was
> expecting tt_content.media.20.mimeConf.swfobject also to be a cObject:
> but it seems only to be a "placeholder" for configuration which is
> copied from the previous cObject. There is no call to cObjGetSingle
> (which would resolve the reference).

the CType MEDIA is something like a dispatcher CType. SWFOBJECT, 
QTOBJECT and MULTIMEDIA are rendered with this CType, depending on 
configuration. So the MEDIA takes configuration from each of the other 
CTypes as default, that's the reason for the copy and for preventing 
double code.

It's possible to use SWFOBKECT as CType too, the only missing is a form 
for a CE, but you can use it with TS only (or php)

vg Steffen

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