[TYPO3-project-4-3] ExtJS Date-picker for TCEFORMS

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Mon Jun 29 09:58:05 CEST 2009

Hi Masi,
Martin Kutschker schrieb:
> A simpler solution would be to move the makeDatePicker() code into
> onReady().
it is in onReady

> Another point is that extJS (and Prototype) is loaded unconditionally.
> And why is the field type encoded into the id insetad of the class? I
> suggest tceforms-datetime as classname.
i did because select of extJS is much faster than selecting classes. but 
this can be changed easy.

> OTOH, it would be great if *all* input fields would get an id. They're
> much easier to manipulate from user code (or wirzards). But that should
> be a different part.
yes, the logical consequence.
> Implementation note: maybe it's easier to move the date picker into the
> "wizard area" of the field instead of doing floats.

i transform the input, so how to move to wizard area, the DP field only? 
I fear the distance would be too big. Also i don't know how to influence 
the DP field.
The float is needed for the checkbox only, because DP is in a table. 
It's pure css, if you come to a better solution, please let me know.

vg Steffen

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