[TYPO3-project-4-3] ExtJS Date-picker for TCEFORMS

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Mon Jun 29 09:25:11 CEST 2009

Benjamin Mack schrieb:
>  * Use a namespace for the ExtJS calls:
> Ext.namespace(TCEFORM);
> TCEFORM.datePicker = function() {
> }

A simpler solution would be to move the makeDatePicker() code into

Another point is that extJS (and Prototype) is loaded unconditionally.
And why is the field type encoded into the id insetad of the class? I
suggest tceforms-datetime as classname.

OTOH, it would be great if *all* input fields would get an id. They're
much easier to manipulate from user code (or wirzards). But that should
be a different part.

Implementation note: maybe it's easier to move the date picker into the
"wizard area" of the field instead of doing floats.


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