[TYPO3-project-4-3] Is it time to ship optimized TYPO3 by default?

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Tue Nov 4 12:14:19 CET 2008

Dmitry Dulepov schrieb:
> Hi!
> Martin Kutschker wrote:
>> You could use <If> tags in .htaccess to overcome this problem. And I
>> think this is a must, because if, for some reasons the modules are not
>> active, the BE breaks completely.
> This is the problem: you can't check for AllowOverride with <If>.
> This is why I said about NEWS.txt.

Drats, I remember now this issue. But all other configurations seem to
be protected except for the installer which needs AllowOverride
AuthConfig and the modules mod_authn_file and auth_basic_modulein
(Apache 2.1).

So all existing _.htaccess files except the install protection could be
shipped as .htaccess.

>> Sidenote: I'd prefer a an include file for htconf :) But I guess it's
>> not really hard to write.
> But harder to convince hoster to include it.

This is an extra for my own hosts (and [virtual] private servers) :-)

> Still I think we should provide optimal configuration as a basis. If
> someone has those restrictions, he could delete 4 files and use
> suboptimal version. But why force the rest of the world to use
> suboptimal version because some dumb hoster disallowed .htaccess?

Because it breaks if .htaccess is allowed but not all . Why do I have to
remove files from the source directory to get it working? Anyone who
cares about his server can rename the files to improve speed.

Anyway a "AllowOverride none" is not a problem as it simply disables
.htaccess. The problem is if AllowOverride is set, but not with the
required values Indexes or AuthConfig.


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