[TYPO3-project-4-3] TYPO3 4.3 status report 27/2008

Ingo Renner ingo at typo3.org
Thu Jul 10 21:20:07 CEST 2008

Martin Kutschker wrote:

Hi Masi,

> 1)
> Where will be the source for Flash be located in the SVN?
> In the main source tree together with PHP or in a separate area?

As said before: just put them in the same directory as the "compiled" 
.swf file

> 2)
> Will the Flash sources be shipped with typo3_src-4.x.y.tgz or will they
> be available (as references) in a separate tar file?

Of course shipped with the packages!

> Thoughs:
> It probably makes more sense to have all sources in one tree. But as I
> think that the Flash sources shouldn't be shipped in typo3_src-4.x.y.tgz
> this will require be extra task for the release manager a) to compile
> tge Flash binaries and b) to remove the sources from the package. In
> essence this means that you need a build script to create a
> distribuition package from the sources. until now you could - more or
> less - simply do a checkout.

I really don't get why this seems to be such a complicated issue. Do we 
separate JS just because it isn't PHP?

> So I think you oversimply things when you are not willing to care for
> such details.

why make things complicated?

In fact I think we're not even going to modify the flash sources, best 
is to just put all the stuff into typo3/contrib/ and be done with it. 
What is so complicated about it?


Ingo Renner
TYPO3 Core Developer, Release Manager TYPO3 4.2

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