[TYPO3-project-4-3] TYPO3 4.3 status report 27/2008

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Thu Jul 10 14:41:39 CEST 2008

Ingo Renner schrieb:
> Martin Kutschker wrote:
> Hey Masi,
>> IMHO TYPO3 is and should stay a PHP/JS project. Currently we store (and
>> ship) script code. If we add Flash to the project we have to handle
>> sources AND binaries.
>> But maybe I'm only against it because it wil be the first part of TYPO3
>> I will not be able to understand/hack beacue I don't "speak" Flash.
> you'll most likely understand actionscript (Flash's programming
> lanugage) as it looks very much like JS.
>> Anyway, I'm not totally against it, but I would like to have a plan how
>> we handle code that has to be compiled before we can ship it. Of course
>> we will deliver the sources (GPL!) but it makes no sense to ship them
>> with the typo3_src package (should it be renamed? maybe typo3_bin or
>> typo3_runtime).
> oh come on! We'll just put the source next to it's binary and are done
> with it.
> Don't be over complicated ...



Where will be the source for Flash be located in the SVN?
In the main source tree together with PHP or in a separate area?

Will the Flash sources be shipped with typo3_src-4.x.y.tgz or will they
be available (as references) in a separate tar file?


It probably makes more sense to have all sources in one tree. But as I
think that the Flash sources shouldn't be shipped in typo3_src-4.x.y.tgz
this will require be extra task for the release manager a) to compile
tge Flash binaries and b) to remove the sources from the package. In
essence this means that you need a build script to create a
distribuition package from the sources. until now you could - more or
less - simply do a checkout.

So I think you oversimply things when you are not willing to care for
such details.


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