[TYPO3-install] Root access to database (solved)

Maurice van Peursem typo3 at vanpeursem.net
Sun Mar 14 01:29:47 CET 2010

I solved the problem myself, it seems that with the 1-2-3 window it 
is sufficient to enter the username and password WITHOUT specifying 
the database-name. That confused me, I thought I needed to enter the 
root password. Sorry for wasting your time ;-).


>>Am 12.02.2010, 22:41 Uhr, schrieb Maurice van Peursem <typo3 at vanpeursem.net>:
>>>Hi Ries,
>>>Mijn dank voor dit snelle antwoord! But how and where exactly do I 
>>>enter these parameters?
>>go to the install tool
>>log in and go to the first menu entry (should be default), scroll 
>>down the page until you find the form fields and fill in the 
>>necessarily data
>>scroll down to the end and click on the submit button ... should be 
>>named something like "write to localconf.php"
>Ah, but this step doesn't seem to work like it should. I guess by 
>'first menu item' you mean '1:Basic Configuration', but if I click 
>on that, I get:
>>The current username, password or host was not accepted when the 
>>connection to the database was attempted to be established!
>But where can I change these paramaters? The problem is that I just 
>don't get the basic config page where I can enter the database name, 
>user and pw?
>I've done the following:
>- Downloaded typo3_src+dummy-4.3.2.zip
>- Unzipped it and uploaded the folder to my shared webosting account
>- Created the ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL file
>- I set the permissions as indicated here:
>And then I ran my site, but instead of getting the first option 
>(1:Basic Configuration) where I can enter the database parameters, I 
>get '10:About', and if I try '1:Basic Configuration', i get the 
>error message that the username, password or host are wrong, but I 
>haven't even entered them yet!
>Where can I enter the database parameters...?
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