[TYPO3-install] Fresh Install --> File permission error when adding new page content

Philipp Gampe phil at philippgampe.info
Thu May 28 01:07:06 CEST 2009

Hi Chris,

it was nothing but a try...
no with user I mean the user who runs the webserver (usally somthing like  
www-data:www-data [user:group])
If you modify files, you might have overridden those user:group settings.

I once massed up my local server because I overrided all user and group  
settings with root :/

Is far as I understand the error message, the php parser cant write the  
(temp?) file.
IMO there are just four reasons:
* permissions (777)
* user:group settings (if 777 doesnt matter)
* free disk space
* or you ran in some kind of quota (it means no space again)

I cant come up with more ideas

Hope I could solve you or at least dismiss some errors


Am 27.05.2009, 21:35 Uhr, schrieb Chris Jensen <chris.jensen at usask.ca>:

> Hi Phil,
> Thanks for your reply. Rechecking the file permissions, it seems that  
> everything has been chmodded correctly and that there is sufficient  
> space left on the server. When you say that "the owner should be the  
> same user as the web server runs," do you mean that it should be the  
> same as my administrator name on the Typo3 site? My database username?  
> Since I'm logging in remotely, what would the server consider my user  
> name to be?
> Thanks for any advice,
> -chris

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