[TYPO3-install] Typo3 4.0.1 doesn't recognise my DB (while 3.8.1 does)

Dmitriy Osadchiy dmi3 at clarity.kiev.ua
Wed Sep 6 14:10:58 CEST 2006

Hello Terry,

TV>   It indeed did much more now.
TV> The only problem is that it now has a field that needs to be changed,
TV> but doesn't. The install tool database analyser says:

TV> Update database tables and fields:

TV> ?Table and field definitions should be updated
TV> There seems to be a number of differencies between the database and
TV> the selected SQL-file. Please select which statements you want to
TV> execute in order to update your database:

TV> Changing fields

TV> ALTER TABLE be_users CHANGE lang lang varchar(2) NOT NULL default '';
TV> Current value: char(2) default ''

TV> When I click on 'Write to database' it immediately brings up the same
TV> result, although the checkbox is checked.
TV> What could this problem be?

Concerning this I do not know what to say :(, cause sometimes I have these
problems too. In general I ignore these warnings if I see that there
no REAL changes will be made in database.
E.g. you have
ALTER TABLE be_users CHANGE lang lang varchar(2) NOT NULL default '';
Current value: char(2) default ''

The only difference is that "NOT NULL" is removed, and it has no
great meaning for TYPO3 I think. So you can ignore it. But if it annoying you
- then try to insert this SQL with phpMyAdmin after you have logged into
backend. You can return to this step later with Tools->Install module.

The major idea of upgrade database - is to make database up-to-date
and COMPATIBLE with new sources. Without upgrading database you will
miss required fields, tables and data records and so TYPO3 could not
work. Since you have all required fields and tables and records you
can try to do futher steps.

Best regards,
 Dmitriy                            mailto:dmi3 at clarity.kiev.ua

Wednesday, September 6, 2006, 2:51:02 PM, you wrote:

TV> Thanks Dmitriy,
TV>   It indeed did much more now.

TV> The only problem is that it now has a field that needs to be changed,
TV> but doesn't. The install tool database analyser says:

TV> Update database tables and fields:

TV> ?Table and field definitions should be updated
TV> There seems to be a number of differencies between the database and
TV> the selected SQL-file. Please select which statements you want to
TV> execute in order to update your database:

TV> Changing fields

TV> ALTER TABLE be_users CHANGE lang lang varchar(2) NOT NULL default '';

TV> Current value: char(2) default ''

TV> When I click on 'Write to database' it immediately brings up the same
TV> result, although the checkbox is checked.

TV> What could this problem be?

TV> Terry

TV> Op 6-sep-2006, om 10:52 heeft Dmitriy Osadchiy het volgende geschreven:

>> Hello Terry,
>> Please, read this document:
>> http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/installation/ 
>> doc_inst_upgr/current/view/4/1/
>> -- 
>> Best regards,
>>  Dmitriy

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