[TYPO3-german] Immer Subdomain vor allen Links

stefan raff stefan.rueegg at grforum.org
Thu Jan 16 11:25:44 CET 2014

Cooluri xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <usecache>1</usecache><!-- READONLY -->
      <!-- how often (in days) should be links updated (Typo3 cache needs to be cleared) -->
      <!-- how many days should old links (those that are redirected to existing) should be kept active -->
      <!-- the status has to meet HTTP protocol header -->
      <status>HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found</status>
     <!-- <behavior type="message"><![CDATA[ <h1>Page not found!</h1> ]]></behavior>-->
	  <behavior type="redirect">http://www.grforum.org</behavior>
      <!-- possible @type values: 
        page - will show a file (loaded using file_get_contents)
        redirect - will redirect to a certaing URL
        message - will output a message
        userfunc - user function is called, there's a default implementation of standard TYPO3 404 handling
        <behavior type="userfunc">tx_cooluri->pageNotFound</behavior>

  <!-- bind a domain with a language
    @key - language id - L parameter value
    value - domain name
    <domain lang="0">www.example.com</domain>
    <domain lang="1">www.example.cz</domain>
    <domain lang="2">www.example.de</domain>

    <!-- first non-empty value will be used -->
    <saveto>id</saveto><!-- READONLY -->
    <default>0</default><!-- READONLY -->
        <to>SELECT title FROM tt_news WHERE uid=$1</to>
        <!-- if you have news items in different languages in one folder, use this sql -->
        <!-- to>SELECT title FROM tt_news WHERE (uid=$1 or l18n_parent=$1) AND sys_language_uid={L=0}</to -->
        <to>SELECT subject FROM tx_eeblog_maintable WHERE uid=$1</to>
    <!-- you can move cHash to predefineparts to remove in from URL
         but first read the manual -->
    <!-- common patterns -->
    <!-- this will just add this parameter value to URL -->
    <!-- this will look up parameter value in the database table "sometable" and if found
          the value will be transformed using Typo3 csconv into URL-like value. 
        You can make all sorts of MySQL stuff here, such as add UID into the result:
        SELECT CONCAT(title,'-',uid) FROM ...
        <to>SELECT title FROM sometable WHERE uid=$1</to>
    <!-- common patterns -->
    <!-- parts defined this way will be removed from URL -->
    <!-- this will prefix a value with "prefix-". Cannot be localized.
    <part key="prefix-(.*)" regexp="1">
    <!-- if parameter matches value, key will be added to URL 
         with mutliple values, use valuemaps
    <part key="thisWillAppearInUrl">
      <!-- L is empty of 0, result is empty -->
      <value key="">0</value>
      <!-- L is 1, result is "en" -->
      <value key="de">1</value>

    NEW - default value when a parameter is not set (tests "isset", not "empty")
    <value key="L">de</value>
  <!-- this will put L param to the first position
      for more magic see manual -->

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