[TYPO3-english] FCE localization as normal Content Element on Web -> Page view

Koen Van Nuffelen koen_typo3 at obiwebs.be
Wed Mar 24 10:18:27 CET 2010

Good morning,

I'm reading the frontend localization guide from Kasper.
It gives a lot of configuration options, but there's one thing I can't find.

I'm working with templavoila 1.4.2 on Typo3 4.3.2.

For localization I'm using in the data structure configuration:

     <meta type="array">

On a testing page 'languagetest' I have the default language (English) 
and  added another language (Dutch).

I've made a simple FCE with an image, a title and a link and added it to 
the page. I've also added a simple 'build in! Text with image content 
element to the page.

When I go to Web -> List -> 'languagetest' I see the pagecontent block.
With 3 headers: Header - [Localization] and Localize to
In the localize to part I see the Dutch language flag where I Can click 
and add the dutch translation for the Text with Image content element 
and also for the FCE.

If I go to Web -> Page -> 'languagetest' I see, on both FCE and Text 
with Image content element, below the default language an extra block 
Where the FCE and Text with Image content element translations are.

I make a new page 'languagetest2' with the same FCE and the same Text 
with Image content element.

If I go to Web -> Page -> 'languagetest2'

Below the Text with Image content element I see:
Create a copy for translation (Dutch)
This is 'clickable' and has the same result as like doing it with the 
Web -> List way. which is perfect.

On the other hand below the FCE I have nothing. No Localization:
No Create a copy for translation (Dutch)

I think this might be confusing for end users.
Is there a solution, configuration option, to also get the
Create a copy for translation (Dutch)
for a self created FCE?

I'm aware of doing the translation inside the FCE with editing the data 
structure configuration to:
     <meta type="array">

But then you've also got a difference in approach between the 'normal' 
content elements (Text, Text with Image, ...) and the FCE.

Any help would be very appreciated.

Kind regards,

Koen Van Nuffelen

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