[TYPO3-english] RC2: What is the csc-default frame for?

Peter Russ peter.russ at 4many.net
Fri Nov 27 16:59:23 CET 2009

--- Original Nachricht ---
Absender:   Tyler Kraft
Datum:       27.11.2009 16:44:
> Hi,
>> Hi Tyler,
>> please read my post correctly as it says:
>>  >> But IMHO upgrading an extisting installation should NEVER add
>>  >> something to content by default
>> If a admin is asked to confirm a version switch this is fine with me. 
>> But I haven't had time to test upgrading existing site to version 4.3.
>> Peter.
> I did read it correctly, I just disagree with you ;-)
> To me that is a bit like saying that X should ever only give you the 
> output or results that you desired as soon as it's installed or 
> upgraded, and nothing that requires you to amend or alter it in any way.
> Would you really expect to confirm every little thing that might 
> slightly change the installation behaviour when you upgrade? You have 
> the choice to either upgrade it or not and you should make that decision 
> as an informed admin. Surely the mere act of deciding to upgrade is 
> confirmation isn't it?

Did you ever did a version upgrade in the install?
Do you remember how to upgrade from version 3.8 to 4.X?
How to confirm to use div instead of tables for imgtext e.g.?

That's what I would expect in this case also.
As there are not only "informed" admins who run TYPO3 I think it would 
be a just usablity. Without that trouble is on the way.


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uon GbR

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