No subject

Sun May 17 00:05:05 CEST 2009

another record. This means that the comments sent through formpage are
associated to that page and will not be shown on any other page. In fact if
you create a list of comments of formpage you should see your comments
appear. I'm not sure though how to make them show up on a page that they are
not related to. There might be a TS option for that, otherwise you can maybe
implement a hook that will change the uid of the associated record on save.
Or something like that...

Philippe Moreau

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 7:37 PM, < at> wrote:

> Hey,
> I don't know what I'm doing wrong with these comments...
> I have two pages, "formPage" (here should only be the comments-form) and
> "listPage" (here should be the comments). formPage is in "comment form"
> mode, triggering prefix is "pages" and store records at page is set to
> "listPage".  listPage is in "comment listing" mode and there is the
> "pages" triggering prefix, too.
> So when I generate a comment on the formPage page, a new comment record
> is built in the listPge page but it is not shown on the page. The only
> thing I can read on the page is "no comments".
> So what did I wrong? Can you help me please?
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