[TYPO3-english] PNG with alpha and (small) thumbnails in BE

Jogvan Olsen jo at atlanticvideo.dk
Sun May 3 17:23:03 CEST 2009


I use some PNG files with alpha channel (PNG24 created in Photoshop) - 
but I can't see any thumbnails of the PNG24 files in BE. Thumbnails form 
JPG file works fine.

The strange thing is when I select Media>List and select 'Thumbnails' 
from the dropdown menu in the top of the screen - I can see 'big' 
thumbnails of all files (png24 and jpg). But when I select 'List' from 
the dropdown menu, and choose Option>'Display thumbnails', I only see 
thumbnails of my JPG files - thumbnails of png24 files are clear/invisibly.

Can anyone tell me what I am missing?

thanks in advance
Jogvan Olsen

I use:
TYPO3 ver. 4.2.6
DAM ver. 1.1.1
FireFox 3.0.10

In my localconf.php I have:
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS["GFX"]["gdlib_png"] = '1';
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS["GFX"]["gdlib_2"] = '1';
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS["GFX"]["im_imvMaskState"] = '1';
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS["GFX"]["im_version_5"] = 'gm';
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS["GFX"]["TTFdpi"] = '96';
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['GFX']["im_path_lzw"] = '/usr/bin/';
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['GFX']["im_path"] = '/usr/bin/';
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['GFX']['jpg_quality'] = 100;
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['GFX']['png_truecolor'] = 1;
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['GFX']['thumbnails_png'] = 1;

DAM display debug show this:

__type	dir
__exists	1
dir_ctime	1241361608
dir_mtime	1241361608
dir_size	4096
dir_type	dir
dir_owner	48
dir_perms	16893
dir_writable	1
dir_readable	1
mount_id	179487066c03c22609042b24e126b123
mount_path	/var/www/vhosts/domain.tld/httpdocs/fileadmin/
mount_name	fileadmin/
web_nonweb	web
web_sys	web
dir_accessable	1
dir_name	romerfals
dir_title	romerfals
dir_path_relative	fileadmin/IMAGES/produkter/tagsten/romerfals/
dir_path	fileadmin/IMAGES/produkter/tagsten/romerfals/
dir_path_normalized	fileadmin/IMAGES/produkter/tagsten/romerfals/
dir_path_from_mount	IMAGES/produkter/tagsten/romerfals/
function	tx_dam_list_list
tx_dam_folder	fileadmin/IMAGES/produkter/tagsten/romerfals/
tx_dam_file_uploadFields	5
tx_dam_resultsPerPage	20
tx_dam_list_langOverlay	exclusive
tx_dam_list_list_displayFields	title,title
tx_dam_list_list_showThumb	1
tx_dam_list_thumbs_bigThumb	0
tx_dam_resultPointer	0
countTotal	8
firstItemNum	0
lastItemNum	7
page	0
lastPage	0
countItems	8
itemsPerPage	20
maxPages	20
SELECT	DISTINCT tx_dam.title, tx_dam.uid, tx_dam.pid, tx_dam.media_type, 
tx_dam.tstamp, tx_dam.crdate, tx_dam.cruser_id, tx_dam.deleted, 
tx_dam.sys_language_uid, tx_dam.l18n_parent, tx_dam.hidden, 
tx_dam.starttime, tx_dam.endtime, tx_dam.fe_group, tx_dam.file_name, 
tx_dam.file_dl_name, tx_dam.file_path, tx_dam.file_size, 
tx_dam.file_type, tx_dam.file_ctime, tx_dam.file_mtime, 
tx_dam.file_hash, tx_dam.file_mime_type, tx_dam.file_mime_subtype, 
tx_dam.file_status, tx_dam.parent_id
FROM	tx_dam
AND tx_dam.pid IN (226) AND tx_dam.sys_language_uid=0
AND tx_dam.file_status!=255
AND (tx_dam.file_path LIKE BINARY 
AND tx_dam.deleted=0
ORDERBY	tx_dam.title
SELECT DISTINCT tx_dam.title, tx_dam.uid, tx_dam.pid, tx_dam.media_type, 
tx_dam.tstamp, tx_dam.crdate, tx_dam.cruser_id, tx_dam.deleted, 
tx_dam.sys_language_uid, tx_dam.l18n_parent, tx_dam.hidden, 
tx_dam.starttime, tx_dam.endtime, tx_dam.fe_group, tx_dam.file_name, 
tx_dam.file_dl_name, tx_dam.file_path, tx_dam.file_size, 
tx_dam.file_type, tx_dam.file_ctime, tx_dam.file_mtime, 
tx_dam.file_hash, tx_dam.file_mime_type, tx_dam.file_mime_subtype, 
tx_dam.file_status, tx_dam.parent_id FROM tx_dam WHERE 1 AND tx_dam.pid 
IN (226) AND tx_dam.sys_language_uid=0 AND tx_dam.file_status!=255 AND 
(tx_dam.file_path LIKE BINARY 
'fileadmin/IMAGES/produkter/tagsten/romerfals/%') AND tx_dam.deleted=0 
ORDER BY tx_dam.title LIMIT 20

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