[TYPO3-english] TemplaVoila template not taking effect

Mostafa El-Guindy mostafanios at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 15 16:50:04 CET 2009

Hi Xavier,
Thank you for your rapid response.
>When you say that any new content you add is appearing hidden, you mean that it is not shown at all?
It is not shown at all when I view the page, but in the page module the content appears as non-used elements.
>root>|-- current website>| `-- current content>`-- new website>`-- copy of current content + modifications that are not shown >Is this true?
No, in my new website, nothing appears inside the page, only the hidden elements in the non-used tab.
>How do you access your new website? With another URL ?
>Did you add a domain record to your new website?
A silly as it sounds, I haven't set any domain records for the website, I was only working on the draft workspace. And now it seems logical to me that I am not able to view the page. But I want to be working discretely on the new website, and I am not sure what will be the effect of assigning new domain records to it. There are four domains that are already assigned to the current website which is available to users and I don't want to disturb that. And as far as I know I'm not able to add URLs with folders to domain records. Any ideas?

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