[TYPO3] Has anybody else integrated a second database withTYPO3?

Daniel Smedegaard Buus danielbuus at gmail.com
Thu Nov 9 14:43:33 CET 2006

Rudy Gnodde wrote:

>> Hi Rudy, thanks for your input :)
>> How did you implement the data into the backend? By this I
>> mean, how did you provide management features to the
>> administrator, and control over how and where it was
>> presented, modeled, related to other extensions and such?
>> Getting the data into scripts via regular PHP using
>> mssql_odbc functions etc. seems logical, it's the
>> integration, or lack thereof, with the rest of
>> TYPO3 and its extensions that I'm worried about. The data in
>> my case wouldn't just be some isolated content like a news
>> ticker or likewise, it would be *the* primary content
>> relating to everything else on the site.
>> Thanks again for your time,
>> Daniel :)
> Hello Daniel,
> In the cases I've worked with there was no interaction between the
> external data and other extensions. The only extension doing anything
> with the data was the one I made for it.
> As for administration, if there needed to be administration in TYPO3 (in
> most cases there was third party software for administration) I made a
> custom backend module.
> What kind of interaction do you need between the data from MSSQL and
> TYPO3 or other extensions?

Here are some examples:
* User reviews on the TYPO3 side should be tied to the external data.
* Forum entries should be tied.
* Searching also. Also indexing of some of the external content by
indexedsearch extension, such as PDFs.
* Inclusion of external items into a news extension, mailing list extension,
and probably more that I can't think of just right now.
* User and group restrictions on external content allowed to be viewed.
* ...my head is in ten places right now, so I'll just stop here :)

I'd also like to use as much of the internal TYPO3 functions and tools, but
with my experience level right now I'm not really sure about how much of
these depend on the data being "internal"... I mean, it's clear that the
TCE is tied closely to the TCA, so that without a TCA and internal data
there's gonna be problems, but it's the magnitude of the impact I'm not so
sure about.

Thanks again for your input, I hope I'm not too unspecific to make any
sense :)


> Regards,
> Rudy Gnodde
> WIND Internet
> http://www.windinternet.nl


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