[TYPO3] Has anybody else integrated a second database withTYPO3?

Rudy Gnodde gnodde.rudy at wag.nl
Thu Nov 9 14:13:07 CET 2006

> Hi Rudy, thanks for your input :)
> How did you implement the data into the backend? By this I 
> mean, how did you provide management features to the 
> administrator, and control over how and where it was 
> presented, modeled, related to other extensions and such?
> Getting the data into scripts via regular PHP using 
> mssql_odbc functions etc. seems logical, it's the 
> integration, or lack thereof, with the rest of
> TYPO3 and its extensions that I'm worried about. The data in 
> my case wouldn't just be some isolated content like a news 
> ticker or likewise, it would be *the* primary content 
> relating to everything else on the site.
> Thanks again for your time,
> Daniel :)

Hello Daniel,

In the cases I've worked with there was no interaction between the
external data and other extensions. The only extension doing anything
with the data was the one I made for it.

As for administration, if there needed to be administration in TYPO3 (in
most cases there was third party software for administration) I made a
custom backend module.

What kind of interaction do you need between the data from MSSQL and
TYPO3 or other extensions?


Rudy Gnodde
WIND Internet

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