[TYPO3] Frontend admin panel for backend users not appearing

Tyler Kraft headhunterxiii at yahoo.ca
Mon Jan 2 09:45:19 CET 2006


> 1) I have only two hunches. One is that the admin panel is a pop-up 
> that's blocked by my browsers (IE and FireFox).
> 2) I'm using a template from called Zen Light from Mediatech.net, and 
> perhaps it's not compatible...however, I have no indication of this.

Neither is correct!  1)the admin isnt a pop up at all, as its html that 
is included by typo3 into your page 2)it is compatiable for all 
templates (although it might break the layout in some, especially pure 
CSS layouts) because it is just simply html.

Have you viewed the source HTML of a page to see if the admin panel html 
is there (you cant really miss it)?  If the html is there but you cant 
see the admin panel then try installing the admin panel 
wraping/positioning extension.

Failing that...

> What am I doing wrong?
You have included the relavent parts of typoscript in

1)user and/or group setup:
admPanel {
    enable.edit = 1
    enable.preview = 1
    enable.cache = 0
    enable.info = 1
    module.edit.forceDisplayFieldIcons = 1
    module.edit.forceDisplayIcons = 1
    module.edit.forceNoPopup = 0
    hide = 0

2)root template setup:

If that doesnt work then have another read of TSconfig possibly.


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