[Typo3] frameset target problem

Sebastian Patino-Lang perelin at gmx.li
Thu Jun 30 21:18:32 CEST 2005

Hi everybody,
I was just adding a frameset to a client site when this strange error
happend .. and keeps happening:
Frameset TSsetup seems to work fine at first but when you click on any
(internal/menu) link in the page the whole frameset(consists of the two
frames 'top' and 'page') loads itself into the 'page' Frame. This effect
is cascading. Looks funny: http://hamc-hanau.perelin.com/ but is
completly useless.
I was googling and checking the lists archives for three hours straight
and didn´t find a solution to this. Maybe somebody in here has an
answer... please :) It drives me nuts.
I did notice that:
- The anchor Tags in the menu don´t have a 'target' property set. Is
that allright?
- Maybe the server cache but the generated frameset still uses
simulateStaticDocument-like urls in their 'src' tag although i
deactivated the ext in the template for testing (simulateStatic... = 0).
Hopefully somebody answers before I loose my mind.

Some bits of my TemplateTS

########## Constants Code ###########

content.pageFrameObj = page

########## Template Code ###########

temp.mainTemplate = TEMPLATE
temp.mainTemplate {
   template =< plugin.tx_automaketemplate_pi1
   workOnSubpart = DOCUMENT_BODY
   # Menus
   subparts.mainMenu < temp.menu01
   subparts.subMenu < temp.menu02
   # Content
   subparts.bodyInnerContent-A = TEXT
   subparts.bodyInnerContent-A < styles.content.get
   subparts.bodyInnerContent-B = TEXT
   subparts.bodyInnerContent-B < styles.content.getRight

temp.headTemplate = TEMPLATE
temp.headTemplate {
   template =< plugin.tx_automaketemplate_pi1
   workOnSubpart = DOCUMENT_HEADER
   marks.cssAllgemein = TEXT
   marks.cssAllgemein.value = {$css.Layout}
   marks.cssSeite = TEXT
   marks.cssSeite.value = {$css.Seite}

page = PAGE
   typeNum = 1
   config.simulateStaticDocuments = 0

page.10 < temp.mainTemplate
page.headerData.10 < temp.headTemplate

########---------######### Frameset

# Frameset
outer_frameset = PAGE
outer_frameset.typeNum = 0

# topFrame
top = PAGE
top.typeNum = 2
top.10 = TEXT
top.10.value = The top-frame TEST

# Defining the outer frameset
outer_frameset.frameSet.rows = *,30
outer_frameset.frameSet.params = border="0" framespacing="0"
outer_frameset.frameSet {
  1 = FRAME
  1.obj = page
  1.params = scrolling="AUTO" noresize frameborder="NO"
  2 = FRAME
  2.obj = top
  2.params = scrolling="NO" noresize frameborder="NO" marginwidth="0"

########## END Template Code ###########

have a nice day everyone



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