[TYPO3-dev] Extension Loading Order (sysext vs. local installed)

Helmut Hummel helmut.hummel at typo3.org
Wed Jan 8 11:56:22 CET 2014


First off:
The order of template inclusion can easily be checked with the Template 

On 07.01.14 15:30, Reiner Kempkes wrote:

> So i think it is not an issue of TYPO3 6.1, but a general issue in the inclusion order.
> Why is this behavior as it is? This seems a bit illogical to me.

I would say for historical reasons.

> And why did it work before in TYPO3 4.5 without any problems?

As far as I can tell by looking at the Template Analyzer, the behaviour 
is the same in 4.5

Maybe the case you remember for 4.5 were 2 extensions using 
ext_typoscript_setup.txt In this case the loading order of the 
extensions matter.

The default order for root template is:

1. Selected templates from "Include static"
2. Automatically included templates from extensions (ext_typoscript_setup)
3. Selected "Basis Templates"

When selecting the checkbox "Include Static Templates After Basis 
Templates" the order is:

1. Selected "Basis Templates"
2. Selected templates from "Include static"
3. Automatically included templates from extensions (ext_typoscript_setup)

Wenn rootflag is not set (or you select "Never include before this 
template record") then ext_typoscript_setup are not inlcuded at all 
resulting in:

1. Selected templates from "Include static"
2. Selected "Basis Templates"


1. Selected "Basis Templates"
2. Selected templates from "Include static"

> Any ideas?

You could choose to not inlcude ext_typoscript_setup templates and 
manually include the ones you need in the correct order with include 
lines in a template of your choice.

Kind regards,

Helmut Hummel
Release Manager TYPO3 6.0
TYPO3 Core Developer, TYPO3 Security Team Member

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