[TYPO3-dev] Status of wiki.typo3.org

François Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Sat Aug 20 21:13:34 CEST 2011

Hi Nico,

> We have an outdated Extension API documentation at typo3.org,
> http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/core-documentation/doc_core_api/4.3.0/view/2/1/
> (which can only be linked with the current version number)

(answered separately in the Forge issue you opened about this)

> We have an oudated Extension Development page on wiki.typo3.org
> http://wiki.typo3.org/Extension_Development

No surprise. Writing and maintaining such a documentation is a huge 
effort. One idea that we have in the documentation team is to use the 
wiki as a kind of nursery for manuals: people could start writing 
manuals in the wiki and when it meets enough criteria (like usefulness, 
completeness, well-written, etc.) it could graduate to be an official 
manual. This could motivate people who write in the wiki.

> We have the forge wiki pages
> http://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3v4-mvc/wiki

In retrospect I wonder whether it was such a good idea to have wikis on 
Forge. It definitely creates a confusion with the main wiki 
(wiki.typo3.org) and makes it even harder to find information. I would 
stick to having only information strictly related to projects there.

> We have the FLOW3 fluid documentation
> http://flow3.typo3.org/documentation/manuals/fluid/

We are working on unifying v4 and v5/FLOW3 documentation. We'll have a 
common format in the future and a common publication platform.

> I would like to provide documentation like the ExtensionBuilder manual
> and various HowTos around extbase, but I don't want to do that more then
> twice (currently the forge project wiki and the manual.swx in the
> ExtensionBuilder).

I would definitely do that on wiki.typo3.org.

> So my question is: is there a general strategy how and where
> documentation should be provided in the future?

IMO on wiki.typo3.org. As said before when documentation in the wiki 
becomes mature it could become an official manual (and we are definitely 
aiming at making the official documentation easier to maintain and to 
access in the future).

Also AFAIK the new typo3.org will use Solr, which should definitely help 
in finding stuff that's scattered all around.



Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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