[TYPO3-dev] config.index_externals = 1 don't work

Stefan Frömken firma at sfroemken.de
Thu Oct 14 13:57:16 CEST 2010

Hello List,

I have a contentelement (only text) with one link to an external 
pdf-file which is hosted on another server.

There is no configuration in pageTS and UserTS.

In my TS-Setup I have inserted these both lines:
config.index_enable = 1
config.index_externals = 1

All extension constants are default.

The crawler is not used.

I have installed all software which was listed on TYPO3 Wiki page.

The paths are correctly and checked against commands like "which pdftotext"

Safe_mode is off.

After each test I go into Info->indexed_search and delete all entries.

What I'm doing wrong? Tested on Ubuntu-server with TYPO3 4.4.2 and 4.4.4.

Maybe some additional informations for you. I tried to analyse the code 
of class.indexer.php. I found something curious in function extractLinks:

// Check for jumpurl (TYPO3 specific thing...)
if ($qParts['query'] && strstr($qParts['query'],'jumpurl='))	{
	$linkSource = $getP['jumpurl'];
	$qParts = parse_url($linkSource);

if (!$linkInfo['localPath'] && $qParts['scheme']) {
	if ($this->indexerConfig['indexExternalURLs'])	{
} elseif (!$qParts['query']) {
	$linkSource = urldecode($linkSource);

I don't use jumpUrl. So first if will not be executed. That's correct.

I have an external file. So localPath is not set and scheme is set. So 
second if will be executed. But what will happen there? indexErternalUrl 
is disabled...so nothing will happen. OK...I can activate it, but the 
next function will only cache content of type text/html.

"elseif" should be the correct way, but as long as localPath is NOT set 
it will never be executed. So please tell me how to define an external 
file with a localPath?!?!


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