[TYPO3-dev] FLOW3 / TYPO3 5.0

Irene Höppner irene.hoeppner at abezet.de
Thu Apr 29 10:13:08 CEST 2010

Am 29.04.2010, 07:58 Uhr, schrieb Dmitry Dulepov  
<dmitry.dulepov at gmail.com>:

> Hi!
> Irene Höppner wrote:
>> Am 28.04.2010, 08:54 Uhr, schrieb Dmitry Dulepov
>> <dmitry.dulepov at gmail.com>:
>>> ...which prevents its usage in real life projects because nobody can  
>>> rely
>>> on unstable code :(
>> You really should read about that! It's amazing. Unit tests cover the
>> public API. So that part of the code doesn't change. And thats the part,
>> package developers are interested in.
> I talk about real life projects serving real people, you talk about unit
> tests coverage for public API :(

Well... you were complaining about to many prototypes... so I tried to  
explain that developing with refactoring (and unit tests are a  
pre-condition for that) is something that has been developed and found  
very useful from people in the middle of real life projects.
That mostly weren't PHP projects - which might be the reason why those  
techniques "feel" so unreal for ppl in the php world.

>>> TCEforms are being rewritten actually ;) There are plans to refactor
>>> TCEmain as well.
>> OMG.... Good to know.... Having some projects using TCEmain-hooks and
>> some nice TSconfig-configurations the update then will be... well...
>> interesting... :-)
> No update will be necessary because API will stay compatible.

hmmm... you might be able to keep the TSconfig-settings compatible  
(thought I don't believe you really have a chance to keep everything in  
But there are several hooks that put the whole tce-object into extensions  
methods. To keep the compatibility of this api all the attributes and  
method-names have to be the same and have to do the same. So, how much  
refactoring is possible under this conditions?

> I had the
> plan and ideas for a long time, I am simply not sure if I should go with
> this or seek some other solution than TYPO3 for projects these days.

Maybe you should have a deeper look at FLOW3 these days :-).

> I am
> really focused on UX instead of technology these days but TYPO3 goes
> technology instead of UX. Even new development is pure technology without
> any looks to simplifying and making it move convenient and obvious.
I hope, Jens isn't reading this - he put so much effort into the UX-part  
of TYPO3v5 already...
And the changes of the API in the alpha releases were done to increase the  
usability for developers.
But how can they increase usability any more, if ppl are complaining about  
it instead of using it and making suggestions? Should they mark it stable,  
so they can't change it anymore - even if that would increase usability?

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