[TYPO3-dev] blog_example gives error "A cache with identifier "cache_extbase_reflection" does not exist"

Ries van Twisk typo3 at rvt.dds.nl
Thu Apr 22 22:34:15 CEST 2010

On Apr 22, 2010, at 3:11 PM, Chris Zepernick {SwiftLizard} wrote:

> Hi Thomas,
>> Regarding the performance, have a look here:
>> http://flow3.typo3.org/download/release-notes/100-alpha-8/
> Thanks for the link, and yes the page is right that perfomance tests  
> mostly don´t say anything. But we tested it also in our environments
> and it ws really slow at the moment.
> What really frightens me from the business point of view is the  
> following sentence:
> >...we do care about speed and that in the following order:
> >
> >1. Development Speed
> >2. Execution Speed
> I don't know your customers, but at mine this being said it is like  
> a death sentence. To most of the deciders ears this might sounds  
> like: "We rather die in beauty, then deliver a performant software"
> I work at high performance web and intranet projects, so this is  
> definetly a reason to switch to another software then typo3 / flow3.
> And it is sentences like these on official typo3 / flow3 websites  
> that literaly drive me crazy. If you as a developer care more about  
> dev speed, and beautiful code, that is your opinion, but please stop  
> communicating things like these on official community websites.
> At projects of 200.000€ and more the common customer does not care  
> about 5.000 to 10.000€ more ore less at development (also he will  
> complain abou it ;-)), they need a high performance working piece of  
> software selling their product(s), no matter if it is information  
> (meedia.de), marketing (bitburger.de) or real world products (http://www.bonaparte.de 
> ).
> cheers
> chris


I understand what you are saying here,

However not everybody has that kinda budget  and there is this turning  
where hourly rates are much more expensive then a 100euro/month hosting.
Then you simply go to a 200euro/month hosting and save in the end a  
lot of money.

What worries me is development speed. I am going to say something I  
but if these frameworks are really that fast in developments they  
should be simple to
use also.

The problem with most/all frameworks is that only the designer can get  
100% out of it.
Since we (regular developers) didn't design the framework it would  
takes us a LONG time to
get up to speed (develop fast). I think that FLOW3/FLUID are complex  
frameworks to work under
and it quite some investment from a developer to get most out of it.  
So I think
development speed (1) only applies to the designers and much less to the
regular developers using the framework.

It's not for nothing that AdoDB and Smarty where/are really popular  
'frameworks' (they are not really),
they where just so damn easy to use!!!

Something else: The current position of FLOW3/FLUID and TYPO3 V5 for  
that matter is that there
are not enough resources available to make this into something we can  
actually use any time soon.


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