[TYPO3-dev] mm relation - newbie question

Matyi Gábor gabor.matyi at mailbox.hu
Sat Apr 5 23:53:31 CEST 2008


Now the time arrieved that I have to write my first extension with extension 
kickstarter. My problem that I'd like to put a tiltviever image gallery and a 
tt_news single item on the same page. I'm reading the the typo3 
profihandbuch, and I found this mm-relation possibility. I guess I have to 
extend the simpleviewer extension with a simpleviewer_mm table, and here I 
can create the relation with the the uid_local and uid_forign 

My quesion, how can I create this realtiontalbe with the kickstarter? In the 
book I see a picture, that there is a checkbox with text "True M-M relations, 
that I have to check. In the kickstarter I don't find this screen.

Could anbody help me, to create this mm-relation table?

Thanks in advance.

Gabor Matyi

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