[TYPO3-dev] sysext's

Martin Kutschker Martin.Kutschker at n0spam-blackbox.net
Tue Apr 1 16:21:27 CEST 2008

Martin Kutschker schrieb:
> Michael Stucki schrieb:
>> Our SQL queries have always been pretty simple and I think it should be
>> possible to port them to other systems without using adodb at all...
> With due respect, but this is a nive approach. No sir, you cannot solve 
> this without ADOdb or another portability layer without changing the DB 
> layout of TYPO3.

And of course t3lib_db has to go. It would have been to be replaced by SQL 
query generating code, so that there needs to be no ADOdb/DBAL code that 
parses the queries.

This would be not so difficult, but dropping t3lib_db in the Core and 
especially in the extensions is not so easy.

Furthermore we will have to get rid of mixed case column names. This will 
invalidate all PHP code that works directly on the result set of a query. 
And not to forget that Oracle has a name limit for tables and columns of 30 
(or 32?) characters. *


* With DBAL you have to recreate tables and columns and map the names 
manually if they are longer then the limit.

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