[TYPO3-dev] empty selectorbox

Joost Vollebregt | JV Websites info at jvwebsites.nl
Tue Nov 6 16:56:07 CET 2007

Joost Vollebregt | JV Websites wrote:
> I am building a tt_products - filter to achieve different collections from
> one source of products. It works on a 4.0.1 install with autoparser. But
> fails on 4.1.0 with templavoila.

What exactly templavoila has to do with this? It does not render forms, it
knows nothing about dynaflex. TemplaVoila renders only FCEs by itself,
everthing else is still rendered by css styled content.

May be you insert your plugin to the page in the way that prevents it from
working properly?
What way are you referring to? The problem is a BE problem, front end part
works, when the plugin is edited is doesn't show the selected fields. I
thought mayby because I add it as a FE plugin, in templavoila-modus, that it
is rendered differently than with autoparser... because I must also add that
when "save" is pressed and the form refreshes the labels are shown properly

>Edit - where? In BE? TemplaVoila cannot and does not affect BE editing.
Yes in BE.
(totally different: I also noted that cache and session field are different
type in the database (InnoDB, instead of MyISAM))

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