[TYPO3-dev] Extending extension plugin with XCLASS

Ryan Hayle ryan.hayle at space150.com
Thu Oct 5 23:04:42 CEST 2006

I'm trying to extend a plugin in my extension with XCLASS.  I've defined 
the new file in my ext_localconf.php, and that file IS getting included, 
since a global echo from that file will show up.  The class itself, 
however, is not being instantiated.  Are plugins instantiated 
differently than other classes so that XCLASS won't work?  It looks like 
in addPItoST43() the plugin is added via TypoScript, and I'm not clear 
how this works.  It seems like I would need to someohow tell it 
(extension manager?) what the name of my new class is, but I'm not clear 
on how to go about doing this.  If anyone could offer any suggestion, I 
would greatly appreciate it!


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