[TYPO3-dev] ext_typoscript_setup.txt [WAS: stable = documented ?]

Tapio Markula tapio.markula at dnainternet.net
Tue Jul 25 15:45:56 CEST 2006

Elmar Hinz wrote:
> Stefan Geith wrote:
>>This could be made by ext_typoscript_setup.txt ;)
>>Some kind of configuration, that leads to a
>>warning message from the plugin.
>>The definition of a special constant could disable
>>this message/configuration.
>>I implemented this in one of my plugins:
>>There is some default configuration in
>>ext_typoscript_setup.txt that leads to a
>>warning message, that no static template is selected.
>>If a special constant is set, then most
>>of this setup will be ignored and the message
>>is switched off.
>>This special constant is set automatically, if
>>I add a static-setup from a list of static
> Hi Stefan,
> the ext_typoscript_setup.txt question is probably not so clear to answer as
> the 43 problem. tt_news doesn't use it. I am often neved by settings in the
> TS Tree that I never requested.
> I am curious to hear what TS pope JoH is thinking about this matter first.
> If we still can't decide it then, we will hear what Kasper is suggesting.
> Regards
> Elmar

What about my suggestion - lets users choose!
if you put
1) into ext_conf_template.txt

for example 'enable.preconfiguration'

2) into ext_localconf.php
if ($_EXTCONF['enable.']['preconfiguration]) {
here some generic TS config, which
represents the tasks of
3) into ext_tables.php
	// initialize static extension templates
	t3lib_extMgm::addStaticFile($_EXTKEY,'pi1/static/','The name of static 

Now you can give the change to get the plugin work *immediately*
with necessary configuration *for newbees* or *afterward*
using external static TS files - that fits for *advanced developers*.

Don't remember, that not *all* users are so expert than you, Elmar and 

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