[TYPO3-dev] Flexform ds with graphical configuration

Oliver Hader oh at inpublica.de
Tue Jul 18 20:48:44 CEST 2006

Michael Scharkow schrieb:
> That's a good idea, since a lot of extension make use of this kind of
> interface, like the surveys, mailformplus, tt_products, even the form
> wizard in plain TYPO3. A form builder is definitely a good investment.
> The only difficulty is the the storage (XML-serialized arrays?) and the
> meta-configuration (=which properties of form items are configured:
> name, label, values, etc.)
> From my own experience I can say this is quite a complex task and I
> don't volunteer for it ;)
> Cheers,
> Michael

I agree. We could use this form builder in the Partner Framework as
well. Some fields have to be static (name, adress, city, ...) and some
can be additional (size of shoe, customer number, ...).

So I have a related problem to the storage. What should we use?
* XML (whatever: serialized, dynaflex, ...)
* database model dividing structure and user data
  * table "attributeCategory" combining several attributeItems
  * table "attributeItem" defining the fields (label, type, ...)
  * table "attributeAtom" defining item types like radio,checkbox,select
  * table "attributeData" the bridge between the structure and the data
    that came from the user
* extending the TCA functionality to a dynamic TCA ("dTCA") und use the
  core way storing things

But what happens if I'd export that structure and all of it's data and
would then like to import (migrate) it to anonther TYPO3-host. We should
also keep an eye on the synchronisation and the uniqueness of the field

Well, I have to be careful, but "I'd like to volunteer" on that because
I need it, considering the future. ;-)

Best regards,

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