[TYPO3-dev] extension development libraries

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Sun Jan 15 14:09:47 CET 2006

Hash: SHA1

Luc Franken schrieb:
> Hi Elmar,
> I expected such a reply but it is not in the correct place. My question
> is: "Isn't it an idea to take a look at all the different extension
> development libraries to see why there are many of them developed? "
> So what my point is: I think many people are doing the same thing right
> now which makes extension development for beginners more complicated
> because they don't know what to use. On the other side it is just a
> waste of time to do so.
> To answer your concrete question: I am willing to spend resources on the
> development of a GENERAL library, so a real Typo3 initiated idea. I am
> not willing to just create another library. I think it is important to
> keep the development in a straight line.
> I have been looking in the documents and coding guidelines but no
> statement about that is made unfortunately.
> Best regards,
> Luc Franken

Hi Luc,

the reason why you don't find such a statement is, that all resources of the
official developers are still focused on the core. There hasn't been any
extension coordination so far.

pi_base and t3lib_SCbase need a team to maintain them. pi_base would really need
a recode. So if you are willing to spend resources on the development of a
GENERAL library I think you should start there.

We have just started the extension coordination team. pi_base and t3lib_SCbase
could become YOUR project if you feel able to coordinate people and to cooperate
with the core team. Again I invite you to join ECT and really to do something to
improve the situation. Kaspar plans to support us as soon as TYPO3 4.0 is done.




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