[TYPO3-dev] Default content element for an empty page

tapio tapio.markula at dnainternet.net
Sat Jan 7 22:02:08 CET 2006

Martin Kutschker wrote:
> tapio schrieb:
>> Hi
>> It would be nice, if Typo3 could put creating a new page a new content 
>> element ('Text'). Maybe this can be done with some typoscript, but it 
>> would be nice as default behavior for average users.
> You want that the "create page" operation automatically creates *each* 
> new page with a text element? Thinka bout it. This will only be annoying 
> as you must delet this element on every sysfolder, shortcut etc.

you have good points. There must be doctype check and exclude some doctypes.

  >And  besides, not every page conatains a text element (think of 
plugins etc).

if we think about ordinary pages and a newbee using typo this would be a
good solution. A newbee needs frontend editing and then he/she needs 
automatic a new text element into the column 'normal' in order to get 
forward using frontend editing.

> If you want it, I suggest you write an extension that does it.

Or I put it as an extra option to 'tm_contentaccess'. I improved 
frontend editing by feature, where

admPanel {
module.edit.forceNoPopup = 0
module.edit.reloadOnEdit = 1

If module.edit.forceNoPopup = 0 *ALSO* extra toolbar icons open to 

module.edit.reloadOnEdit=1 - if you press in editing content records
the button 'Save' - the opener window will be reloaded.
You can see the result of the editing *WITHOUT* closing the 
pop-up-window. Might need to press the button twice and you might need 
to move the position of the pop-up-window in order to see changes.

In frontend editing 'Web>List' doesn't work properly.
It can't be used in the same window - I put it target="_blank",
if module.edit.forceNoPopup = 1.
The user can't go back to the page, where he started.
That button would need an *extra frame* where would be a button 'go 
back'. I have not done that. Any idea how to implement the extra frame.

> Masi

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