[TYPO3-dev] Questions relating new Typo3 4.0 beta3 skin

Franz Koch typo3 at fx-graefix.de
Sun Feb 19 13:53:08 CET 2006

>> I've looked now this new skin during last 24 hours 18 hours
>> and my eyes start to bleed ! Ithe skin is not very ergonomic.
>> This is of course very personal opinion so it should not be discussed.
> I'm sorry to hear that and hope this is an issue that just might be 
> related to being used to the old skin, which means you will get used to 
> the new skin.

Sorry, I can't agree with that. My eyes are hurting too when I use the 
new skin - and this has nothing to do with getting used to it. And that 
is most likely because the new skin is in my eyes far away from being 

> The contrast topic was always important in the overall design of the new 
> skin, as it was a) one of the main reasons why the old skin looked a bit 
> old-fashioned compared to a lot of other applications, especially in the 
> web-environment but b) also one of the most appreciated things about the 
> old skin by a lot of developers, who spent a lot of time in the backend.
> But when we compare the new skin to, let's say a word-processing 
> application like Openoffice.org we also have a lot of white space which 
> of course might be a bit stressing for the eyes, so I think the 
> color-benefit of the old skin might just be a personal impression that 
> will disappear once people get used to it.

The missing contrast has been diskussed before and I really would like 
to see more contrast and color to have a clearer structure und 
highlighting. The design should have nothing to do with "look (as good 
or as bad) like every other application" - in first place it should 
enhance useability. In second it should reflect the new CI and on last 
position it can use current design-"standards".

Also the menu-items could be more clearly divided. And the biggest 
current "bug" in the new skin are in my eyes missing spaces for clearer 
structure. The headlines and texts have in most places no space to the 
page-borders and other frames which doesn't support useability at all. I 
know that useability of the BE is on schedule for 4.5, but why make it 
worse with the new skin? Don't get me wrong - I really like some parts 
of the new skin, but there is still a lot of work to do.

Just my 1,5 cent.
Kind regards,
Franz Koch

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